Taboo Trades Podcast: Menstruation Matters with Bridget Crawford and Emily Waldman

On today’s episode, Bridget Crawford and Emily Waldman of Pace University School of Law join me and UVA Law 3Ls Kate Granruth and Jenna Smith. Bridget Crawford’s scholarship focuses on taxation and gender and the law. She teaches courses on Federal Income Taxation; Estate and Gift Taxation; and Wills, Trusts and Estates. Emily Waldman teaches courses on Constitutional Law, Law & Education, Employment Law, and Civil Procedure. Today we’re discussing their book, Menstruation Matters: Challenging the Law’s Silence on Periods, published by NYU Press in 2022 and their 2022 article, Contextualizing Menopause in the Law, co-authored with my UVA colleague, Naomi Cahn, and published in the Harvard Journal of Gender and the Law.

Show Notes:

Menstruation in a Post-Dobbs World,” 98 NYU L. Rev. Online 191 (2023) (Crawford and Waldman)

Pink Tax and Other Tropes,” 33 Yale J.L. & Feminism 88 (2023) (Crawford)

Managing and Monitoring the Menopausal Body,” 2022 U. Chi. Legal Forum (forthcoming 2022) (Cahn, Crawford, & Waldman)

Contextualizing Menopause in the Law,” 43 Harv. J. Gender & Law 1 (2022) (Cahn, Crawford, and Waldman)

Working Through Menopause,” 99 Wash. U. L. Rev. 1531 (2022) (Cahn, Crawford, and Waldman)

Andrew Jennings and Kimberly D. Krawiec, Vice Capital (forthcoming 2024)

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